Canadian Car Loan Calculator

We helps you compare car loan quotes from the comfort of home.
Buying a vehicle is much easier when you arrange financing ahead of time.

Step 1 - What would you like to calculate?
What would my payments be?
What would my
payments be?
How much car can I afford?
How much car
can I afford?
Step 2 - Customize your loan details:
Price of your new vehicle
Value of your trade-in vehicle
Your existing vehicle loan balance
Your down payment
Duration of your loan
Provincial sales tax
Expected interest rate
Step 3 - View your estimated payments:
These payments are based on a total amount financed of $12,975.00.
Your amount of interest paid will change depending on which payment frequency you choose.

Over the duration of this $12,975.00 loan, you'll pay:
in interest if you make monthly payments.
in interest if you make bi-weekly payments.
in interest if you make weekly payments.
Have questions or feedback?

Send us a message or call us toll-free at 1-587-323-4200

Sunridge Auto Capital helps you find the best car loan available from the comfort of home. Let us show you how easy it is to get the vehicle you want. Now.

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